Monday, August 27, 2012

FW: So, You Want to Grade a Sermon?



Feed: Steadfast Lutherans
Posted on: Saturday, August 25, 2012 7:16 AM
Author: Pastor Donavon Riley
Subject: So, You Want to Grade a Sermon?


We thought to repost this list on BJS in hopes of generating some further discussion of what makes a good (or bad) sermon. The list was originally written by Charles Wiese and recently reposted on my blog, the First Premise.

Here is a listing of sermon reviews that Charles Wiese has posted on his blog.


  1. Does the pastor explain the text correctly? (+1 for explaining the text correctly, 0 for not explaining the text at all, -1 for explaining the text incorrectly)
  2. Is the law preached lawfully? (+1 for preaching the law in all its sternness, 0 for not preaching the law at all, -1 for preaching the law as if it is doable)
  3. Does the sermon mention Jesus? (+1 for saying true things about Jesus, 0 for not mentioning Jesus, -1 for saying false things about Jesus)
  4. Is the sermon about what Jesus has done for us? (+1 if the primary focus of the sermon is about what Jesus has done for us, 0 if the sermon does not mention Jesus, -1 if the sermon is all about what we do for Jesus)
  5. Does the creation of a wordle show a Christian focus in the sermon? (+1 for yes, 0 for sort of, -1 for no)

5 is the highest possible score and -5 is the lowest possible score.

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FW: A Lost Treasure Has Been Found! The Apocrypha is Back!

Coming Soon…


Feed: Cyberbrethren Lutheran Blog Feed
Posted on: Monday, August 27, 2012 11:30 AM
Author: Paul T. McCain
Subject: A Lost Treasure Has Been Found! The Apocrypha is Back!


A lost treasure has been found!  The Apocrypha, which went missing in action in English speaking Lutheranism, has been restored. Since the time of Luther's first complete Bible translation, through the hundreds of years that followed, faithful Lutheran theologians, pastors and laity had the Apocrypha as part of their Bibles and spiritual heritage. It was quoted in doctrinal works, devotional works and in sermons by all orthodox confessional Lutherans, down to the days of C.F.W. Walther who referenced it in his writings and sermons. But, when the church here in America, the Apocrypha was lost because it was not printed in English Bibles that were used by Lutherans. Now, for the first time, a special Lutheran study edition is ready for you to dig into.

You may place your order now, by going to this web site.

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FW: Dozens of Volumes Available Now from LOGOS

Available Now…


Feed: Cyberbrethren Lutheran Blog Feed
Posted on: Monday, August 27, 2012 6:31 AM
Author: Paul T. McCain
Subject: Dozens of Volumes Available Now from LOGOS


Since Concordia Publishing House has moved all LOGOS based resources into the LOGOS web distribution method, there are now many titles available as stand alone volumes that once were only available when you bought "collections" in the Concordia Electronic Theological Library [CETL]. You can now purchase any of the volumes listed below as separate/stand alone volumes. The better pricing on them comes when you do buy them in the collections in which the are placed in the CETL, but if you do not wish to do that, you can purchase things now separately, as instant downloads into your LOGOS collection, and of course, if you wish, you can buy all these volumes as a single purchase if you buy the entire CETL Collection, for $475, which provides the following 40 volumes, just under $12 per book. The choice is yours now: purchase it all at once, for the greatest savings, or in  individual collections, or as separate volumes.

In addition to these titles, we are bringing the existing volumes of the Concordia Commentary series into LOGOS, and will be adding the newer volumes of the Luther's Works extension and the Gerhard LOCI collection. You can see all resources from CPH available in LOGOS by visiting our CPH LOGOS page, link here.  And, by the way, you can also purchase any Luther's Works (American Edition) as a stand alone volume, or in the entire collection. I listed those titles below, hit the "read more" link to see them.


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FW: “Church and Ministry” is Now Available for Pre-Order with Bulk Purchase Discount Price

Coming Soon…


Feed: Cyberbrethren Lutheran Blog Feed
Posted on: Friday, August 24, 2012 10:08 AM
Author: Paul T. McCain
Subject: "Church and Ministry" is Now Available for Pre-Order with Bulk Purchase Discount Price


"The issue of church and office is too often a muddle among us, and Walther can be most helpful if he is allowed to speak with the precision he intended."
Pastor Matthew C. Harrison
President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod


Purchase 10 or more copies of Church and Ministry for only $19.99 each. Use promotional Code LWT on the checkout screen to receive your discount!


Matthew Harrison's new edition of this seminal writing by the first president of the LCMS restores Walther's precise language on the doctrines of church and ministry. As the subtitle of the original German edition states, Church and Ministry is "a collection of testimonies . . . from the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and from the private writings of orthodox teachers of the same." Professional church workers and interested lay members will find a wealth of insights from the Bible, the Confessions, ancient church fathers, Luther, the orthodox Lutheran fathers, and more on the key questions of what or who is the Church, what is and who holds the Office of the Ministry, and what are the powers and duties of each.

This New Study Edition Includes

• new reader-friendly updated translation

• footnotes explaining terms and history

• side notes highlighting texts from the Bible, Lutheran Confessions and Martin Luther

• marginal references to Johann Gerhard

• glossary of key German and Latin terms

• appendices including supporting documents

• Scriptural index

• topical index

• free downloadable data charts/timelines editorial introductions from Rev. Matthew Harrison

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

FW: A Horrific Consequence of Abandoning the Historic Christian Liturgy



Feed: Stand Firm
Posted on: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 8:02 AM
Author: Scott Diekmann
Subject: A Horrific Consequence of Abandoning the Historic Christian Liturgy


In a segment on the May 30, 2011 Issues, Etc. show on the Athanasian Creed, Pastor Wilken and Pastor Will Weedon discuss the abandonment of the historic Christian liturgy and its consequences. Pastor Wilken asks Pastor Weedon to react to two different studies by the Barna Group which found that the majority of American Christians do not believe the Holy Spirit is a living force or entity. Listen to Pastor Weedon's insightful response:

As the Athanasian Creed confesses,

1Whoever desires to be saved must,
    above all, hold the catholic faith.
2Whoever does not keep it whole and
    undefiled will without doubt perish
3And the catholic faith is this,
4that we worship one God in Trinity and
    Trinity in Unity, neither confusing the
    persons nor dividing the substance.

This is a sobering thought. How many contemporary worship services have you been to where the Trinity was rarely, if ever, mentioned? It's certainly unlikely you'll see the Trinity taught in the praise songs. So do we worship one God in Trinity? And if not, what does this mean? The Creed certainly answers: Those who don't worship one God in Trinity "will without doubt perish eternally." As Pastor Weedon points out, the Trinity is everywhere in the liturgy -- certainly one more reason to keep the liturgy intact.

You can listen to the entire Issues, Etc. segment here.

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FW: The Small Catechism in Four Languages



Feed: Cyberbrethren Lutheran Blog Feed
Posted on: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 5:04 AM
Author: Paul T. McCain
Subject: The Small Catechism in Four Languages


My colleague, Dr. Benjamin Mayes, found an interesting resource in Google books, Luther's Small Catechism in four languages: German, Latin, Greek and Hebrew.

Take a look at the whole thing here.

Here is a screen shot of a couple of pages.

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